Mr. James Idowu (not real name) had joined one of the social media with the intention of making friends. little did he know that a shocker was underway.
Narrating his experience to FrontiersNews, Mr. Idowu said: "initially when i joined the site, i was excited as i made some good friends. even till date we still relate very well. But after a couple of weeks, i met this particular friend Joan(not real name). We started chatting and even exchanged phone numbers, which i felt was normal.
We started talking on phone and fixed an appointment at kubwa.
On getting to Kubwa this is what transpired:
Idowu: how are you doing?
Joan: i'm fine and you?.
Idowu: am good.
Joan: how did it go in the office today?
Idowu: hectic but its the job.
Joan: what do you do?
Idowu: I work with an insurance company
Joan: I am searching for a job, just finished my youth service.
Joan: so what did you bring for me?
Idowu: good things, why not we go out and have a drink.
Joan: No, we can drink in the room here.
Idowu: I would prefer outside so we can also talk and get to know each other better.
Joan: Here is better, besides what is there to talk about other than for you to do what brought you here
Idowu: (fidgeting) I would have loved us to have a drink first
Joan: I am not interested in drinking, lets have s*x
Joan: so how much are you giving me?
Idowu: (getting uncomfortable) you know its been a hard day's work and i would not be able to perform well.
Joan: Its like you are still in the 19th century. if you know you were not ready, you shouldn't have wasted my time.
"My brother, according to Idowu, this is where i pretended to be annoyed, got up, carried my bag, brought out a thousand naira from my wallet, gave her and left the hotel room. The minute I stepped out of the room, I deleted her number from my phone. Until that day, I have never seen a lady so brazen about sex"
Idowu says he has had the experiences several things that his use of the social media has had to reduce.
Idowu's experience is one of several encounters some men have had with ladies of easy virtue who now see the social media as an avenue to carry out their activities.
From Samuel to Peter to Musa, their experiences are similar.
Many social media exist namely: WhatsApp, goggleplus, Twoo, Badoo, Yahoo Messeger, Skype, Blackberry Messenger, Facebook, TWitter, 2go and Frenzo.
Whichever one you want to use, you are sure to come in contact with one of those who are on any of the sites to practice their sexual fantasies.
This is what a lady posted on her profile in one of the social media sites: "I am neither ugly nor beautiful, am just here to use what I have to get what I want. Don't chat with me if you know that you want to preach love. Chat me if only you mean business ok.
FrontiersNews learnt that the increase in the use of the social media as the new tool for prostitution gained prominence in Abuja when the FCT administration started clamping down on 'hookers' who line the streets of the city center at night to solicit for clients.
It is now an open secret that if you wants to engage in sexual adventure, the easiest way to do it is to sign up to any of the social media and start chatting.
It seems prostitution has been taken to another level as people no longer have to stand on street corners when they could with a click of the buttons of their laptops or their phones to conclude a business deal with their client.
what is surprising, is that most of the girls are so brazen about what they do; going as far as taking nude photos and posting them on their page. And all you have to do is request to view the photos-that is if you have struck an accord with the person.
According to a lady who do not want her name on print, "though some people have been using the social media to engage in all sort of immorality. I don't see it that way as i met my fiancee through one of the social media sites. And by May he will be going to perform the traditional marriage rites in my village.
"It is not bad, it depends on what anybody wants to do with it"
And truly it all depends on what anybody wants to do with it.
Another man who simply identified himself as Akpos told our correspondent that he has been using social media for quite sometime now and that he got his present job through a female friend he met on one of the social media.
He further said that it has made him to 'up' his use of social media saying that he now has over 100 friends whom he has not met but has been in constant touch with.
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